◇ 本產品適用于棉布、滌棉布莫代爾絲光棉等針織或梭織面料。適合橢圓機、八爪魚圓盤機、平網機、圓網機上操作。
◇ 固含:55%±1
◇ 外 觀:乳白色糊狀物
◇ 主成分:環保丙烯酸脂共聚物
◇ 離子類型:陰離子
三、特 性
◇ 遮蓋力好,光澤飽滿、彈力好,水洗牢度好,得色率好(透明),摩擦牢度超好,干濕擦達到4級以上(透明)手感軟,干爽性好,不塞網,不粘手,手感光滑,。適合于橢圓機、平網機、圓網機、八爪魚機印刷;連續印刷4-6小時不塞版。
調淺色 調深色
白膠漿 80-90% 白膠漿 25-15%
透明漿 20-10% 透明漿 75-85%
◇印花工藝:印花 → 烘干、干燥 → 熱處理(130-150℃,3-5分鐘)或 熱壓(130-150℃,3-5秒)。
◇ 自然干燥時間與氣溫和空氣濕度有關在印花之前先要做小樣實驗,確定以后方可進行批量生產。
◇ 未確定情況使用或操作不當引起的質量問題本公司概不負責。
◇ 如加固化劑的漿料建議8小時內使用完畢。
六、保存期溫室貯存一年,室溫0-40℃,避免暴曬 或 冷凍。
CH7200A machine printing white base
CH7200B machine printing clear base
◇ This product is suitable for cotton,modal,mercerized cotton woven or knitwear fabrics.It also suitable for operating on elliptical machine,octopus disc machine,flat screen machine and cylinder machine.
二、Performance and Index
◇ Solid content:55%±1
◇Appearance :milky white paste
◇Main component:environmental protection acrylate copolymer
◇Ionic: anion
◇ Good covering power,full gloss,high tensile strength,good wash fastness,good color yield rate(clear),good fastness of friction,the wet and dry rub reaches above 4 degree(clear)soft hand feel,dry,not plug mesh,non-sticky,smooth hand feel.It is suitable for elliptical machine,flat screen machine,cylinder machine and octopus machine,continuous printing for 4-6hours will not plug mesh.
四.Operation and Reference
Light color Dark
White glue 80-90percent white glue 25-15percent
Transparent glue 20-10percent transparent glue 75-85%
Printing process: printing-dry-heat treasure(130-150℃,3-5minutes)or hot pressure(130-150℃,3-5seconds).
The time of air dry is related to temperature and air moisture.It should have sample test before printing and then in a batch production after determined.
Our company is not responsible for quality problem due to misuse under uncertain condition.
If the paste with curing agent,should be used up within 8 hours.
六、The shelf life is one year at room temperature, the room temperature is 0-40℃,avoid exposure or freeze.